Prof. Ellis Idemobi

Pro-Chancellor/Chairman of Governing Council, Tansian University

Scientia Potestas et Virtus


Tansian University adopts a holistic concept of education. The process of education in the Institution is not seen primarily as a process of acquiring knowledge but also the inculcation of virtues that would progress through successive stages of rebirth to become more godlike, to lead his immediate and extended environment. This follows the etymology of education delivered from the Latin word, Educo, educare, educavi, educatum and its variant, Duci, ducere, duxi, ductum, which means to ‘lead.’


  • Ph.D.,
  • M.B.A.,
  • M.B.A.,


  • The Path of Hope
  • The Path of Hope
  • The Path of Hope


Public Administration100%
Business Law90%
Lecture Skill100%